Lay Ministry

Vocations in ministry are strongly encouraged within our Benefice and we offer plenty of space within worship for those discerning vocations to experiment with roles in ministry. We currently have strong lay leadership and pastoral teams, Anna Chaplains, and a discerning Lay Licensed Minister. We also have a prayer group, who are a vital "behing-the-scenes" part of our ministry team, covering the activities and people of our benefice in prayer on a weekly basis, and those who lead elements of worship within clergy-led services. If you feel that God might be calling you to an official ministry within the Church of England, or a new role in worship, the Rector will be delighted to hear from you.

Local Roles in Worship

Reading, Intercessions (Prayers), Hospitality, Sidespeople, PCC Member, Choir, Organist, Verger, Cleaning, Brass Cleaning, Flower Arranging, Sunday School, Youth Group Leaders, Open the Book Team, School Governors, Lay Worship Leaders, Lay Pastoral Assistants (including those who take Home/Nursing Home Communion). 

Oversight of Lay Ministry

Local roles in worship, are given and held under the incumbent's authority, with PCC approval, after a short and informal period of discernment and training. We expect newcomers to worship with us regularly for six months, according to our Safeguarding practice, and to join our electoral roll, before taking on a role in leadership or leading worship, so that they are a known and trusted member of our church community. All those volunteering for the church are required to complete a safer recruitment process, and some roles will be subject to a DBS check and safeguarding training.

All commissioned and licensed lay ministers, and priests with Permission to Officiate, are authorised by the Bishop and receive pastoral oversight from their incumbent with reviews every six months. They, like PCC members, are required to be regular communicants within the parish.

Roles for Children

Children are welcome to partake in leadership roles within Church Services on the same basis as adults, and according to what's appropriate for their age and skill set. We often have children age 5+ reading, praying and serving in church, and we encourage older siblings to assist during baptisms. Charminster Church has a team of young servers and is looking at starting a Youth Council to advise their PCC. Our other churches will also always welcome children to help during a service if they wish to do so. 

What is Vocation?

A short information video on Vocations

Get Involved

Feel like God might be calling you to practical or pastoral ministry? 

Nurturing Faith

Confirmation, Discipleship, Lent Groups